
Monday, May 25, 2015

Review of Katieran Prime (Katieran Prime #1) by K.D. Jones

Labeled a fugitive from Earth's government, Cassie Tomlin finds herself on the run and being hunted by her ex-boyfriend. She is desperate but how far is she willing to go to start a new life? Is she desperate enough to agree to live on another planet with strange and sexy aliens? As Cassie takes a leap of faith, she finds an inner strength she didn't know she had. Along the journey she meets a man who sparks a fire within her. But will he be worthy of her?

Prime Leader RendEL has been given the task of overseeing the repopulation of his home world of Katiera. The primitive planet of Earth offers females that are both beautiful and compatible. This would mean a new start in life for Earth and for his own people. However, Ren finds one Earth female to be a lot more than what he had bargained for. Will he be able to fulfill his responsibilities to his people and follow the path of his heart? Or will he have to sacrifice one in order to have the other?

She is a woman on a journey of self-discovery. He is a man trying to save his people. Circumstances brought their two worlds together. Can love keep them together?

Overall Rating:  4 Rockin’ ★★★★
On another world far, far away from Earth lives the Katieran Nation. They live on a planet that obits around two suns and this is where, Cassie and Ren our main characters find their happily ever after.  Katieran Prime is the first book in the Katieran Prime series by author KD Jones.  I was searching earnestly for a new science fiction romance to read and stumbled upon this great story.  It's different on Katiera because they are conscious of their environment, while on Earth it has become over populated and has exhausted its resources with misuse.  During negotiations, both worlds come to an agreement that allows each world to benefit from the sharing of needed technology and other assets.  This treaty will help preserve and replenish the Earth’s dwindling resources and at the same time rebuild them. Katiera will get the one thing they are in desperate need of, women.

Cassandra Tomlin has been running and hiding from her crazy ex-fiancé for the past six months. She's pregnant with an unauthorized child! It's against the law put in place by the Earth's World Government and if caught, she will be arrested, her child will be aborted and she could be killed.  Her best friend, Jaxon, convinces her to request to be a part of the women selected to return to Katiera under the new agreement between the EWG and the Alien Alliance. That is where she meets Prime Leader RendEL.  He is the leader of his people and searching for his own mate too.  At once the couple shares an intense physical reaction to each other, but both choose to ignore those feelings.

The story is filled with comedy and romance.  I really enjoyed how the author inserted the consequences and global effect of pollution into the main storyline.  Also, the secondary characters, especially Jaxon were hilarious! It reads at a fast pace and you are not left with a cliffhanger, but you realize there will be more stories about the wonderful characters you are introduced to.  If you are looking for a good sci-fi romance, then look no further.  I can't wait to read the next installment in this series by this creative author.

Purchase Links: Amazon US / Barnes and Noble

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