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Looking back one last time at the home that used to hold everything she loved, Hannah Blaine turned back towards the road. Her lucky cowboy boots made impressions in the dirt path with each step. After 15 years with the only man she ever loved, it was time to go back home to Louisville. She hoped heading back to where her life began would help ease the pain from that horrific day. Hannah's heart was, and always would be, with her husband.
Hollis Ackers could care less about women. Hell, he didn't care about anyone. When his mother, the only woman he ever loved, died, he became numb inside. Motorcycles became his life, and the Louisville Biker Group was the perfect stand-in family.
When miss country-girl-in-her-cute-ass-cowboy-boots spills coffee on him it shouldn't mean a thing. Or will it?
When two people who lost the will to love meet, what will happen? Can new love really heal all the pain?
The wind was ripping through each curl that was lying softly on her back. Hannah missed rides like this, they were so calming. The sounds around her were muted by the wind sneaking up under the sides of her helmet. She had her arms wrapped around Hollis’ waist, with her palms splayed over his abs. She could feel every muscle below his soft Henley. At first it felt weird holding him so closely, then she calmed and rested her chin on his shoulder. He never wore a helmet, which was not the smartest thing. But who was she to say anything about his choices. As her chin rested against him, he looked back and smiled. The moon was only half full and provided just a sliver of light. As he drove, the houses became fewer and far between. Where was he taking her?
Hollis started to slow down and then carefully turned on a dirt path. Hannah could see an old Victorian style home about a quarter mile away. When Hollis pulled into the driveway, she really felt confused. Whose house was this?
Hannah straightened up and took her helmet off. “Where are we?”
Hollis helped her get off the bike. “My house.”
“What? You live here?”
He laughed. “You seem so shocked?”
She walked closer to the house. “Yeah, I guess I am. You seemed more like a small apartment, dishes flowing out the sink and clothes everywhere kind of guy.”
He laughed. “I guess I am normally. This house is my little secret, the guys don’t know about my home. It’s better that way.”
She looked confused. “So you do have that apartment I imagine?”
Nodding, “Maybe not exactly what you imagined, but yes. Would you like to head inside, it’s pretty cold out here tonight?”
She had to step back away from his scent, it was fogging up her mind. “Well, why are we here exactly? To be honest, we don’t even know each other. Yet, you bring me all the way out here. I think the last house we passed was about a mile away.”
She watched as he walked over to a picnic table by the back porch. “Honest?”
Shrugging her shoulders. “That would be wonderful.”
Letting out a deep breath. “Shit. This is weird for me, but when I’m near you I want more.”
Scowling, “More what? Because I’m not going to just waltz into your home and lay in your bed. There’s more to me, a lot more. Just talking to you tonight is huge. Especially after how you’ve treated me with every encounter we’ve had.”
Putting his hands up in defeat. “I never planned this trip to be a way to get a piece of ass, I promise. It’s just away from town, the guys. I wanted a quiet place to sit and talk to you and get to know you. This was my home growing up, nothing more, nothing less.”
Sighing, “Okay.” He opened the door for her to head inside. She noticed him look back outside, but she didn’t know what he was looking for, especially with how dark the area around his house was tonight.
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