Today we have the release day for Stina Lindenblatt's gorgeous Let Me Know. Read down to find out all the info on the book and release day launch!
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Let Me Know Synopsis:
This shouldn't be happening again…
Amber only feels safe in the arms of her boyfriend Marcus, the one person she can lean on. Until damning evidence from Marcus's past collides with the case and the media circus drags them both down. To protect Amber's reputation, Marcus has only one option: end their relationship. He won't risk further damage to her case, even if it means breaking her heart.
Amber has to find the strength to step into the spotlight and bring awareness to victims' rights before she's convicted in the court of public opinion. And she's really not sure what's worse—that her kidnapper could walk free, or that the seemingly endless attention and speculation will drive Marcus away permanently…
See how it all began for Amber and Marcus in Tell Me When.
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